Full Danksharding

Full Danksharding

Full Danksharding, also known as 2D PeerDAS, is the ultimate solution for Ethereum's DA (Data Availability) and addresses the "1-N" problem in Ethereum's layer2-centric scaling roadmap.

Full Danksharding adopts the 2D EC (Erasure Coding) scheme and supports a maximum of 256 blobs, providing Ethereum with a scalability of 1.3MB/s. To accommodate the expansion of blobs, Full Danksharding divides the Ethereum network into 32 subnets and further divides the blobs into 128 columns. Each subnet synchronizes only 4 columns of data, reducing the propagation time for blob networks.

Before implementing Full Danksharding, Ethereum plans to first implement 1D PeerDAS. The major difference between 1D PeerDAS and Full Danksharding is that 1D PeerDAS adopts 1D EC (Erasure Coding). Ethereum aims to achieve the 1D PeerDAS network with 32 to 128 blobs in three stages.